What kind of Pet?
Ideas begin flowing when I see what my subject matter looks like. Digital pictures are perfect! Email me your photos so I can begin the creative journey. Professional photos must be accompanied with signed permission from the photographer allowing me usage rights of the photo.
What Size?
This is an important question when considering a private commission. Pricing starts at $175, and increases based on preferences of size, medium, complexity, framing and subjects all factors uniquely custom per request. Let’s discuss over the phone or email is cool too! Let me share with you some very common sizing specifications in considering your portrait:
- 8 x 10
- 11 x 14
- 16 x 20
Larger sizes upon request.
Need help with framing?
My professional framing partner specializes in selecting wonderful framing options which compliment rather than compete with your artwork.
Why should you get artwork created of your pet?
Pet owners LOVE our pets, completely, affectionately, and passionately. Our pets connect to our hearts in a way that is heartwarming and unconditional. Over the years many of my pet portraits become marvels when you enter a room, and others are hung in galleries across the world. Animal artwork is an inspiration not only to each pet owner, but to visitors, family, and friends. Animals are with us on this earth for a very short time, and animal fine artwork is a way to cherish memories for a lifetime.
My responsibility as an artist is very important. Capturing the personality of any Pet includes illustrating the essence of each animal while showcasing the true personality of every creature.
How do I find an artist to paint my Pet?
Trusting your animal commission in the hand of any artist involves trust. Trust that that not just any artist will capture the REAL spirit of your pooch or kitty. I am experienced, professional, and always offer my clients undivided understanding and patience while they share their beloved pet’s story. It is those story descriptions that will determine the prelude to your pet portraiture. My drawing table has set the stage for thousands of portraits. Experience, talent, and true compassion for animals opens the creative channels for me to unveil artwork best representing your pet.
Additional Information
An additional cost applies for more than one subject.
Shipping costs will be added and I can estimate a cost prior to release with a zip code submission.
A 50% deposit is due prior to beginning your portrait.
Payment Details
I accept PAYPAL payments and checks upon bank approval, credit cards Visa and Mastercard too!
Prices are based on U.S. Currency and sales taxes will apply in Pennsylvania.
Rachel DiAndrea